"Why am I not asking more people if they want to come to Church?”

Last month we gathered together as many students from as many Churches across the city of Lincoln as possible. We had this sense that in uniting as Churches together across the city, we could lay down any differences that might divide us and instead fix our eyes on God and intercede for the lives of lost students on campus. 

In total over 100 students came along as well as some without any faith whatsoever. We were also encouraged that Church leaders, Uni lecturers, and those who felt called to be spiritual mothers and fathers to this generation also took the time to come along and pray for students and for a move of God across campus. 

The most encouraging part was when we asked students to come up and share their heart for their Uni friends coming to know Jesus. One student said this: 

“I was speaking to my friends at University today and they started asking me questions like, ‘How often do you go to church? I'm curious about faith’. 

Then one of them said, ‘I've always loved the idea of church and I would love to go’. 

That was someone that I never thought would say that, and it really challenged me because I thought - why am I not asking more people if they want to come to Church?”

Seeing students share their desire to see their mates know the hope of Jesus was extremely powerful and there was a sense of an increase in faith and courage in the room. 

Later on in the evening, we gave the opportunity for students to give their life to Jesus for the first time or for those who have felt they have been a ‘prodigal’, to recommit their life to Jesus and return to the arms of the Father. We asked students to put their hands on their hearts if they felt this was something they wanted to do. At this moment 10-15 students put their hands on their hearts and committed or recommitted their lives to Jesus there and then.

We are expectant of all God is going to do off the back of this Wide Awake night and there are already plans in the works for the CU to organise specific mission-focused days. As Churches together, we are also discussing how we can pursue mission and evangelism on campus as a united front stepping out in the power of the spirit to see the lives of students transformed.


Mads Brown

Partnership Developer

During Mads' time at Uni, the local church played an integral part in allowing Mads' faith to become her own. She is now passionate about equipping churches to do the same for others, in order to see the lives of students transformed during their time at uni.

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