Stories from the Year - Survey

Every week of the academic year we share a story of student mission. We pray that these stories inspire, encourage and equip you to do mission where you are. We have collated some of our favourite stories from the year, below you can find stories on surveying

Week 6 - It was more than I could have imagined

Week 11 - I don't think my friends want to tell me about Jesus

Week 18 - Building confidence in student mission

Week 36 - Jesus, smoking, bierkeller

Find out more about our Student Worldview Survey.

Read more inspiring stories here!

Fusion Team

The vision of Fusion is to see every student have the opportunity to find hope in Jesus and home in the local church during their time at university. Written by the Fusion Team & friends of Fusion, the Fusion blog is full of tips, resources, and stories that will equip and inspire you to play your part in the student mission narrative.