What is your secret life?

In a monastery just outside Madrid last week God spoke to me. I was part of God-charged gathering with 24 nations present at the 24-7 Prayer Euro gathering. The stories for what God is doing through his church engaging in society were humbling, terrifying and awe inspiring. I felt built up and small at the same time.

In one of the gatherings I felt God remind me of a film I watched before the summer – ‘the secret life of Walter Mitty’. If you haven’t seen it, I recommend you do. It is about a guy called Walter who lives an incredibly dull life. His body is just a vehicle to transport his mind and imagination around. All the action in Walter’s life takes place inside his head.

In his head he has the most exciting adventures, he is heroic and he makes a difference in people’s lives. In reality he trudges around existing but not really living. Then he makes a choice and things begin to change. Gradually the fantasies in his head stop as he finds himself living the adventure he always dreamed of.

When I hear the God stories I often dream of what God could do through me and imagine myself being used by God. I think much of these thoughts are from God and God’s challenge to me was they are!
My challenge is how I use my secret life for prayer and my body for engaging in the life of Kingdom adventure that God has for me.

“All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake up in the day to find it was vanity, but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.”  (T. E. Lawrence)

I want to join with and release the dangerous women and men who dream out loud and with action.

If you share your crazy dream with me, I promise I won’t laugh. I’ll pray.

Rich Wilson

Fusion Movement Leader

Rich loves students and God’s church and has championed the important role of local churches in student mission for over 25 years. He wants to invite a generation to A Call Less Ordinary.

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