
We can get so worried about our future post-Uni. When I was finishing my degree it was like everyone else knew what they wanted to do or where they were going to go and I was last to find a job to go onto.

The truth is we don't want any job, we want the best job for us, the job that God created us to do.

It’s easy to work to fulfil someone else’s dream. How about working to fulfil your dream? The dream God has placed in you.

I’m not talking about the dream of every Christian becoming a church leader or a youth worker. I’m talking about the dream of seeing miracles of healing, serving the poor, the last, the least and the lost. God doesn't call most of us to work for his church he calls us to be doctors, teachers, plumbers and sales assistants. Not to fulfil some large corporations dream but his dream of justice for the world.

The disciples had been trained for 3 years, their degree with Jesus was coming to the end and he stands at their graduation. During the graduation speech Jesus says, “Go and make more students, in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth”.

Jesus sends them out with the Holy Spirit to be troublemakers for his Kingdom, divine conspirators for a world riddled with poverty and disillusionment.

Jesus does the same for us today, he sends us out to be divine troublemakers. He says to each of us, go and make students of Jesus in your towns, villages, cities and nations.

The question for us is where and what are we going to be a divine troublemaker in. Sometimes this is the million-dollar question isn’t it? The difficulty is God sometimes says, “I want you to….”, other times he says, “What do you want to do?”

How do we know the difference, how do we hear his voice and direction? 

Sometimes we are able to do this on our own, other times we need others around us to help.

This is our passion for The Pursuit this year. The Pursuit is a gathering of young adults this May bank holiday. We will be able to joining together to worship for 65 hours, be inspired by each other’s stories and dreams but we will also be creating space to hear God speak to you about the future.

God promises us he has a plan; we just need to create space to hear this plan.

Why not come to the Pursuit? Take a weekend to discern what’s next, where you're heading and what’s Gods plan. We have revision space for those wanting to cram some revision during the weekend but this is about taking space from exams to breathe a different air and listen to our Dad for the next steps.

For more info on the pursuit check our

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Cris Rogers is pastor of a church plant in the East-end of London and is on the planning team of The Pursuit.

Miriam Swanson

National Team Leader (USA)

Miriam moved from the UK to Florida to pioneer the work of Fusion in the USA (and married an American!) She has been in the movement for over a decade, equipping students in faith, sharing Jesus, training leaders and churches and speaking internationally.

Partner with Miriam