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A Call Less Ordinary (Paperback Book)

Embracing God’s calling is not easy, but it’s the most fulfilling thing you can do with your life.

A Call Less Ordinary connects the dots of your everyday life, with all the challenges and frustrations, hopes and aspirations, and shows how God is both calling you and leading you in greater freedom and fulfilment. It provokes courage to stare down fears and enter boldly into the faith adventure that God’s calling demands.

Rich Wilson (Fusion Movement Leader) shares his journey of pursuing calling through adventure and adversity. In refusing to sugarcoat some of life’s darkest days, Rich's storytelling and writing illuminates how the call and grace of God reaches deeper into our lives than we often dare to embrace. It is practical and provocative in equal measure, leaving you energised and expectant for how God is working now and for your future.

This book will challenge and guide you as you embrace your own call less ordinary.

Audiobook now available from
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