
In the last three sessions, we have been looking at key issues that affect our value systems and who we are. In this last one, we want to look at the area of security. In our world today people put a great deal of their security in the things, possessions and status symbols of the world.

Unfortunately, many of us as Christians, as we go on in life, also end up with the same status symbols and we seek to get our security from the same things: the difference between the world and us is very small. The aim of this session is to see a renewed value system impact the area of our security.


What were we brought up to place our security in?


Part of your worship could include taking a financial offering for the church or a chosen charity, to symbolise exchanging our security and dependence on money for being in God.

Sing or play a song that speaks of surrendering ourselves and all we are, and all we own, to God.



Luke 12:16-21


Do you think this attitude is still true today? In general terms do we as individuals get our security from the things that we earn and the things we own, our success, our bank accounts etc?


Matthew 6:19-21


What effect does having (or not having) material wealth have on our attitudes? Where do we get our real security? Jesus said in Luke 9:24 “whoever would save their life will lose it”. What answer does this give?


It’s important to realise here that we are talking about a complete reversal of the expectations of today’s culture. When we have placed our lives into the hands of God and we no longer have self at the centre then actually we are free from the security problems of this world. This then sets us free. We can have a lifelong generosity when it comes to possessions and things because we realise that our ultimate security is not in what we have.

What does this mean for us? How should this affect us practically?

We have looked together at four topics under this heading of Renewing the Mind: Transforming our Value Systems, Love, Identity and Security. This subject is very important for us in our Christian discipleship and it would be great to take time to go over the last few weeks again.


What values have we learnt from these meetings? What can I learn now that I will need to remember in the future when I have left university?


End by praying for one another, that we will learn what it means to have renewed minds, and that God will help us to stay distinct from the cultural expectations around us, fulfilling our calling to be salt and light.


Spend time again praying for your friends and contacts, and why not agree that next time you meet, you will finish the meeting by going down to a bar or cafe with those friends?