
Servanthood is in the very nature of God (Philippians 2:6-7), so during this session we want to understand and apply what that means for us. The aim is for all members of the group to go away having embraced a new level of the nature of servanthood.


When was the last time you went out of your way to help someone? What did you do?


If you are meeting in the evening, try to get out and see the stars. Ask people to count them and then use that to talk a bit about how our blessings are more numerous than even the stars. Go round saying what our blessings are and then use that to worship God. Allow God to meet you where you are at as you focus on him.



If you were to choose four characteristics of Christian discipleship, what would they be? Stop a moment and discuss this.

  • Was servanthood one of them? (This will only work of course if you have not already told them the subject for this meeting!)

When the apostle Paul wrote his many letters which we now find in the New Testament, his favourite description of himself was a ‘doulos’ (slave); a slave of Jesus Christ. He saw himself completely at his Lord’s disposal: to travel or stay put, to speak and act, exactly as God showed him. The other apostles used a similar term, to refer to themselves – servant (Acts 4:29). Incredibly, they also applied the same word to Jesus in Acts 4:27, calling him your holy servant Jesus. Therefore, servanthood lies at the heart of Christian discipleship.


How did Jesus show through his life what it means to be God’s servant? Discuss in groups of three, find your own examples, or look at 2 Corinthians 8:9, John 4:34, John 5:19-20 and 30, and 1 Peter 2:21-24.


Luke 9:23-27

Discuss its implications for your life as a Christian both at university and at home, for example:

  • What specific areas should we deny ourselves?
  • What does following Christ as a servant involve?
  • What might be the cost of following Christ?
  • What are the rewards?
  • As we look ahead to our life after university, what can we learn now that will be important for then?


What has God been speaking to individuals in the group about and challenging them on? Are there areas they know need to be denied for the sake of following Jesus more closely? That may be future ambitions, current boy/girlfriends, excesses in lifestyle etc. Give people an opportunity to share, confess, repent and pray for people in the light of what is said. People may want to remain in smaller groups for this.

Do encourage your small group to hold people to account! Remember what is talked about and later on in the term ask whether this area has been followed through.


How can we be servants to our friends?  Talk and pray about what we could do practically and each decide what we will do. Write it down and ask the group to feedback next week.