
The Holy Spirit is often referred to as the Spirit of Jesus and the Spirit of Christ. His mission, therefore, is the same as the mission of Jesus. Where Jesus was one individual in one geographic place, his Spirit, through lots of individuals, can replicate the work of Jesus everywhere.

In the Old Testament, God’s Spirit came upon individuals and anointed them to do great things in his name - Gideon, Samson, Saul, David - but it was prophesied that one day God would pour out his Spirit on all people (Joel 2) and this was begun at Pentecost, after Jesus ascended into heaven.


Describe how the last few weeks has been in terms of a weather report (eg: sunny with occasional cloud).


Take time together to look at what God has spoken to you about this last month, both individually and as a group. Thank God for these things.

word and witness


Acts 1:8; Acts 2:17-21; Isaiah 61.


Why must we be filled with the Holy Spirit?


Here are some points that would be good to cover in your discussion:

  • Power - we can’t fulfil God’s purposes with just our own power, money and philosophies.
  • Testimony - we can only testify to others what the Holy Spirit has testified to us.
  • Vision - we must dream, vision, and prophesy to reveal God’s glory to everyone.
  • Cross boundaries - we must be intergenerational, international, and intercultural.
  • Anointing - we must break bonds, serve the poor, fight injustice, and rebuild communities.


In groups of 2/3’s discuss any of these things lacking in our Christian faith? In what specific areas is the Spirit leading us into crossing boundaries and being anointed? How can vision and power impact our life on campus?

We cannot walk in the footsteps of Jesus and fulfil his commission without being filled with the conviction, grace and power of the Holy Spirit. This last century has seen a renewed desire to submit to the Holy Spirit, through the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements and a vigorous drive to take the gospel to all peoples at home and overseas.


Identify groups/departments/people on campus that need to be reached with the gospel. Start to work out a prayer/witness strategy. Write down names of those you wish to reach and boundaries that must be crossed.


Identify what social needs the anointing of the Spirit can meet through you as a group or as individuals. Start to work out a prayer/action strategy. Write down issues that you could learn about and information/expertise that could help.


A high number of pioneers in the faith have first been overwhelmed by the purpose of the Holy Spirit while they were students. As your underlying ambitions and motivations are being formed, now is the time to take hold of Jesus’ commission.

Pray for each other and for your group for a calling and purpose from the Holy Spirit that will drive your lives at college and beyond.