Small Groups Online
This is part of a blog series about our free online training sessions that we’re running everyday. Our content is usually just for students and student workers, but in this time we realise our training is helpful for the whole church. So if you’re a christian why not sign up to a session here.
In Acts we read about the early church, they shared everything they had, they did life together and they were on mission as a community. Later on in Acts the church was persecuted and scattered. Many people were saved, and there’s a little verse in Acts that I read over and over again: God added to their number daily. So as our church doors have shut and we’ve been scattered, I know your dream is similar to mine…. I long for God to add to our number daily.
Church was never meant to be just a Sunday service inside four walls. We are the church, and in this time I really believe our online small groups are the spaces where we will see discipleship and mission outworked. Our small groups are our invitation into community and into learning about Jesus, because even though we should invite people to our live-streamed Sunday services they need to be in relationship with other christians. Jesus chose community so we must fight for community in this season.
It’s possible to have excellent online small groups, they’ll never be as good as the real deal, but for this season they can be as fantastic as they can get. God will use this time and I think many will come to love Jesus and know the hope that life in him has. So what about your small group, could you invite your friends who don’t know Jesus to it?
No worries if the answer is no at the moment. We’re doing a series of online training sessions for all Christians to help you form small groups that have a vision, are unmissable, are fun and outwardly focussed. Interested? You can sign up to our training here. This blog series will give a brief intro to what the sessions are about, but the main gold from these sessions are the ideas you can get from others across the world, so make sure you plug into our online sessions as well as having a read.
Heres the blog series:
Online Small Groups Vision and Values
Unmissable Online Small Groups
Multiplying Online Small Groups
Sign up to our training here