Creative Mission Online
This is part of a blog series about our free online training sessions that we’re running everyday. Our content is usually just for students and student workers, but in this time we realise our training is helpful for the whole church. So if you’re a christian why not sign up to a session here.
The invitation to the Kingdom of God is in your hands! Only God can save and only the Holy Spirit can convict hearts, but you are holding the invitation. How are you going to give it out in this season? How can you get creative and invite people into relationship with Jesus?
People are at home, fearful, and thinking. God is going to be speaking to lots of people all over the place, I think there will be many people wondering… is there something more? So are we ready to invite people?
The ways we’ve always shared our faith aren’t possible in this time, so we must innovate, be creative and try new things.
Have a look at our resource Mission Styles here and take the test online to find how you most naturally share your faith and to figure out what style your friends that don’t know Jesus could be. For more on that register for our online training and join the discussion.
In this season basic missional principles still apply, be praying for your friends with your small group. Let’s be a people that show up in prayer and in peoples lives, let’s be good friends, neighbours and family members. Alongside that let’s get creative, these are just a few ideas that came out of our recent sessions:
- Webinar on “ Can coronavirus and God both exist”
- Ask me anything about God, Facebook live or instagram poll
- Stories of hope evening- invite to come to small group to hear good news stories in a world full of bad news
- Crafts and chats evening, where you learn a craft and have a chat
- Q&A’s hosted by small groups after your Sunday service
For more register for our training online, or have a read of the rest of the blog series here:
Small Groups Online Vision and Values
Unmissable Online Small Groups
Multiplying Small Groups Online