Welcome to the whistle-stop tour of why you should book yourself and your team onto the Fusion Conference online this year! I promise you won’t regret it. So sit back and enjoy reading my top 5 reasons why you should be at the conference this year!
1. Networking central!
The Fusion Conference gathers hundreds of students, student workers and church leaders of all ages, nationalities and backgrounds, from all walks of life. The common thread that unites everyone is the vision of seeing a generation of students waking up to the call of God on their lives and chasing God’s heart for student mission. Being in the room where hundreds of people are a part of that movement is exciting; it’s terrifying; it’s life-changing. For you, and for the students in your city. This will still be the case as the conference goes online!
The Fusion Conference is a wonderful experience to network with people across the country and to hear their experiences of how God is transforming students' lives in their city and context. It’s those encouraging stories and experiences that help us to remember that we’re all going after the same goal - to see students find hope in Jesus and home in the local church. It emphasises that you’re not alone and that there’s a network of people out there that are wanting to cheer you on and hear your stories too.
2. Equipping
With the theme of ‘into the deep’ this year, we are jumping into God’s agenda and being swept along by the untamed rapids of His calling. We have a cracking line up of speakers and seminar hosts who are firecrackers for Jesus and student mission. You can never be too equipped for sharing your faith, especially when waves of salvation are crashing over universities across the UK, especially since lockdown.
3. 'Borrowing' student ministry ideas
One perk of networking with lots of different people is that you hear of lots of different student ministry ideas that you may not have thought of! I know that in years previous I have spoken to lots of people and taken student ministry ideas that they’ve shared with me (eg. a student study space) which has then helped to grow and shape student ministry within my university city. There’s no copyright in the Kingdom of God!
4. New adventures
We were made to have faith adventures. We weren’t called to stay comfortable and on familiar grounds. Heading into the deep and wading into the raging torrent of God’s grace requires trust and a leap of faith. For those who have been to the Fusion Conference in previous years, you will know that we at Fusion don’t like to stay comfortable, instead pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones in response to God’s calling. Come ready to be pushed out of your comfort zone and dive into the exciting, faith-filled adventure that God has waiting for you.
5. Sent out ready for the new academic year
What a way to prepare and excite you for a new term about to begin! With all the uncertainty around September, know that gathering with hundreds of other students in the same boat as you, yet still eager to push deeper into God’s calling, will prepare you for the new academic year more than you can imagine. I promise you that you will finish the conference feeling commissioned and prepared to hit the ground running for what lies ahead in the new term.
So what are you waiting for? Are you ready to jump into the deep this year? For a front-row seat, the latest updates and a place in the seminar stream, get yourself and your team booked onto the conference here!