At the start of 2020, Tim, a Student Worker in Leeds, cast a vision to reach unchurched students in the heart of campus. With around 30,000 students living within one area near to a student flats, they partnered with another local church to dream, pray, and plan for what God could do in their space.
They had a vision: to create a student church for unchurched students. Each student would walk past the church building on their way to uni and receive an invitation to try church.
“With so many students in such a small space, it almost felt too good to be true and too good for an opportunity to pass up.” - Tim, Student Worker
This new plant would be an opportunity for current students to take ownership and make decisions around what church would look like, so after the vision was shared with 90 students back in January, a team was built and plans were put into place.
They would create a service aimed entirely at non-Christian students, but where to start?
After months of praying and planning, as well as building relationship with a local church who would generously give their building as a space to gather, the team had a launch date in September 2020.
They spent time prayer walking and knocking on the doors of local student flats inviting them to try church the following week. Much to their surprise, the students were so open to giving church a try, that the team deliberated whether starting a church service sooner than planned, with a couple of days to go, would be possible.
The students were hungry, the team were ready, so with just a few days to prepare, they pulled together a church service for unchurched students.
“Unexpectedly, we started a church on Sunday and 50% of the students there didn’t know Jesus.”
Just 1 month after launching, the team are still inviting non-Christian students to a church that is literally round the corner from them.
How can you pioneer inviting students to try church this term?
To get advice or chat with one of the Fusion Team about this, email to find out more.