There are lots of things that we can't do anymore due to the latest lockdown restrictions. However, there are still loads of things that we CAN DO!
It means being creative and flexible, the same old solutions won't work anymore. That is what God is always doing. He is the creator who is always doing a new thing. His Kingdom is always extending and growing. Students need the good news of Jesus as much as they ever have done, ministry to students is not on hold and God is not on furlough.
Here is a list of 20 things that student workers can still do.
- PRAYER WALK - On your own or with one other person around the campus or university area.
- SMALL GROUPS - These work so well online. They are crucial in this season. Have a look here for more info.
- TESTIMONIES - Get students to record their testimonies and share them on social media. Students are keen for stories of hope.
- PARK WALKS - One-to-one catch ups with students. Outside walks are great ways of connecting and chatting to students. In-person conversation will matter more than ever.
- RUN ALPHA ONLINE - This worked really well in the first lockdown and it will work again. Students are always keen to discover the meaning of life.
- DMC DECKS - Send a DMC Deck to the student houses that you know. It will help them to have the best conversation.
- DINNER PARTIES - Connect a family with a group of students who can have dinner over zoom. Maybe the family could even drop the dinner off at the students' house?
- DOORSTEP BLESSING - Knock on a student's door and pray blessing over them on the driveway from a 3m distance.
- COOK BOOK - Get members of your church to send in their favourite recipes for students to make. They could even video themselves doing this.
- VERSE OF THE DAY - Send students a verse from the Bible every day during lockdown. Ask others from the church to suggest verses to send.
- CONTACT THE UNI - Email the Vice-Chancellor, Student Union CEO or Committee and ask them what they would like prayer for. They will often reply and appreciate you asking.
- WRITE CARDS - Send little notes or cards to students with prophetic encouragements, scriptures and kind words.
- WHATSAPP ENCOURAGEMENTS - Send voice notes or video messages to students encouraging them in their journey. Pray for them in the messages.
- MAKE OR BAKE - Make them a Christmas decoration or bake something they can share with their housemates.
- WINDOW MESSAGES - Get your students to put messages of hope in their windows.
- BUDDY SYSTEM - Connect students up with each other to go for walks and chats. They can do this themselves but will often only connect with people they already know well.
- TREASURE HUNT ON CAMPUS - Hide little items or QR codes round campus and set a treasure hunt for students to do in twos. With a prize worth winning!
- TASKMASTER NIGHT - Set them a series of challenges to do over zoom.
- CARE PACKAGES - For the students who have to self-isolate, prepare gift packages to keep them going.
- SETTLERS OF CATAN - Or other boardgames work really well over zoom.