“When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners”.
Romans 5:6 NLT
Imagine yourself at a student party: the music is vibey, the drink is flowing and laughter fills the rooms of a cramped student house. One of your friends goes a bit too hard on the booze as the night progresses and you quickly realise that they need some assistance as they become more and more helpless and you step up to the mark to help get them home because they’re your mate and you want to see them safe. It’s a no brainer that you help them in their weakness.
It’s the same in Romans 5 (only without the raving student party!). God saved humanity when we were powerless, weak, and helpless because He loved us that much. We had nothing to give to gain salvation and we certainly didn’t earn it but through God’s grace, He offered us salvation when we were broken and had nothing to give. It was a no brainer for God to intercede for us.
And that's the beauty of the Gospel; the Good News of Jesus Christ. God’s love for us was so deep that He sent the sinless to die for the sinners and then rise again. Christ had to die in our place if we were to have the salvation that we so desperately need. Christmas is just the beginning of the right timing of Jesus coming to earth as a baby, making radical transformations to people’s lives and eventually dying and rising again 33 years later for the whole of humanity, including you.
Often the morning after those escalated student parties, the friend who helped their mate get home often gets thanked for their actions. Have you ever thanked God for saving you at your worst? Have you ever acknowledged that Jesus died for you in order to offer you the ultimate gift of life? There is no better time than now.
Advent Activation
Take a moment to pray this prayer to receive the gift of life this Christmas.
“God, I’m sorry for being so weak and helpless, but I thank you for still choosing to save me through sending Jesus to die for my sins. Please come and be part of my life this Christmas. Amen.”