I’m convinced students need the gospel more than ever. They need the hope of Jesus, freedom from darkness, and real belonging in God’s kingdom. We’re in a time where students are doubting, deconstructing, struggling to engage with their faith. The underlying pandemic at play is student mental health. This time presents a significant opportunity to see a hidden movement of gospel sharing happening in twos and threes, primarily in student homes.
The mission of god is not on hold, those that we don't expect will begin to consider christ. Students are asking bigger questions about life and they are desperate for hope.
I want to look at one particular opportunity for mission, sharing scripture. This is something we CAN DO!! Always available, all it requires is a Bible.
What can we learn from scripture about sharing scripture?
In Acts 8, we see Philip instructed to take a diversion into the desert by an angel. Even though the gospel was going forth in towns and cities, Philip obeyed and ended up in the desert leading an influential Ethiopian to Jesus, using scripture.
There are 3 things we can learn from Philip’s ministry
1. Ask questions, to find out where they are at spiritually.
In verse 30, Philip asks the eunuch if he understands. This opened the door to share the gospel. What good questions could you ask your mates when opening scripture? Discovery Bible Study has some good ones like, is there anything you don’t understand? What does this tell us about God? What does this tell us about people?
2. Tell them the good news.
Philip shares the gospel with the eunuch, he shares the good news about Jesus. Are you prepared to share the gospel? Your testimony? Three circles is a good method that uses a simple drawing to show how God saves us. It also challenges the listener to respond.
3. Trust the spirit to do the work.
Philip models a hands off approach, he isn’t trying to take control but leads with questions and shares the gospel when the eunuch asks for clarity. He even follows God’s spirit to some water where the Eunuch wants to get baptised. Are you at peace with the spirit doing the work? What is your motivation for sharing?
So, if you find yourself living with other students or speaking to a friend in need, why not offer to open the scripture with them. Like Philip, you might be surprised what God does when you make yourself available. Here are some questions to think about.
What questions could you ask as you share the scripture?
Are you ready to share the gospel?
Do you have the confidence to trust the work of the spirit?