"to proclaim freedom for the captives..." (Isaiah 61:1)
We’ve been locked down. For some of us, the physical lockdown has revealed a more potent spiritual lockdown.
Proverbs 5:22 says ‘an evil man is held captive by his own sins; they are ropes that catch and hold him’.
We’ve been waiting for the day where we ‘have our freedom back’ and can resume our lives of hosting dinner parties and road trips. And too right, we need it! But, when this day comes, imagine if we restart our normal lives as captives? Imagine if we fool ourselves that we’re free but in fact there are ropes holding us keeping us captive to sin.
You see, Jesus died for the sins of the world. He came to relocate his people from one kingdom to another. From the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. He came to proclaim physical, spiritual, emotional and mental freedom for people, like you and me.
The Hebrew word for ‘freedom’ in this verse is 'deror'. It means to move rapidly, free running, a spontaneity of outflow which is clear and pure. The freedom that Jesus proclaims slashes the ropes of sin that hold us, stifling the habits, cycles, and thinking patterns that oppress us. Jesus proclaims palpable freedom that loosens us in the every day to live freely in the purpose to which he’s called us.
Life continues to present adversity, I’m not saying this freedom disqualifies us from life’s curveballs. But in the midst of hardship, this freedom compels us to turn away from sin for the sake of seeing further and running faster. This freedom is the only antidote to a self-focused life, consumed by our own issues. We are liberated to live a life beyond ourselves.
So, in response, do you need to turn away from any sin? What or who is stopping you living in this freedom? Are you keeping yourself captive when in fact you’re free? If you don’t feel you can do this on your own, speak to a trusted friend and consider what it means to live in the freedom Jesus is proclaiming.
The Kingdom is near!
We invite you to join us as we journey slowly and prayerfully through Isaiah 61 - line by line over forty days.