Sixty One: what to expect

We want to invite you to Sixty One, 4-7 August 2022. Sixty One is a God-charged space for students and young adults to prioritise the presence of God, awakening deeper calling and confidence in life’s next steps.

It’s a space to wrestle and think. A space to leave some things behind and pick some new things up. A space for friendships to be deepened and commitments strengthened. 

What to expect

An Isaiah 61 mandate is being given to a generation of students and young adults, and Sixty One is our response. 

Expect to be challenged and reassured, expect to be built-up and undone, expect to grow and be pruned back, expect to be comforted and receive joy. Expect fresh dreams and visions.



What would university campuses look like if Heaven really came to earth? We believer that each student's time at university has value, and that purpose extends beyond getting a first-class degree. Campus is a space for you to envision Heaven on earth. It's a space for you to have your faith raised, your calling commissioned and your gifts discovered. On campus, as is in Heaven. 


Work is more than a side hustle to your discipleship. On a good week, you might spend four hours at church. On the same week, you might spend ten times those hours at work. Generate is a space to discover that your work has greater significance than you know - and it's time to discover a purpose in it that goes beyond your pay check. 


Everything we do begins with connection to God. Dwell is a space to give God space. We'll take a deep dive into what it looks like to live a naturally supernatural lifestyle, and we'll give open space for passionate prayer and worship times as we encounter the presence and power of God. 


What does being faithful to Jesus look like in the highs, lows and everything in between? In life's big moments like your first love and your first heartbreak, your first job and the last day of work, that things can we learn now that will help us then? Life is a space to develop and theology and vision for a whole life spent following Jesus. 


As followers of Jesus we have been given the most extraordinary gift, a sure and firm foundation on which to build our lives. The Bible, God's word, is written down and placed in our hands. Wherever you're at, Word is a space to deepen your relationship with God through growing your love for his word. 


All around us, we witness a world that doesn't seem right. Pain, poverty, injustice and inequality. Creation is groaning, can you hear it? But we - the Sixty One generation, know that God is on a mission to usher in the Kingdom of no more death, no mourning, or crying or pain. Engage is a space where we will explore what life with Jesus looks like in a world crying out for justice. 

Have you booked your space yet? With just three days to the Early Bird ticket deadline, book now! We can't wait to see you there. 

book now

Victoria Seithel

Communications Developer

Viki loves raising up new leaders and is committed to sharing the hope-filled story of student mission with the churches she serves.

Partner with Victoria