Student mission is important because the university years are hugely catalytic and formative when it comes to students’ worldviews, relationships and future life trajectories. The stories we hear of students exploring faith and discovering Jesus at uni are exciting and, it seems, only on the increase! These are not just stories for the present, though. So often, when speaking to those who partner with Fusion, we hear story after story of people whose lives were changed by Jesus as students and have then gone on to live lives of faith. We don’t just long to see students meet Jesus for their uni years, we long to see these foundations grow into a whole life discovering what it means to follow him.
Matt studied at Manchester. Whilst a student he started ‘Wholesome Mondays’, a get together at his house for friends who would read the bible, pray, eat together then watch a movie. It was a really special time of friendship and during that time one friend came to faith and was baptised whilst a handful of others tried church and started coming along regularly. It was a real gift to that friendship group and a great opportunity for student friends to explore faith together.
That’s not the end of the story, though. Eighteen months after graduation those friendships are still alive and the conversations continue. The student who came to faith is still in church. Matt introduced another friend who was moving to Bristol to a mate of his there, and they are now in touch including with connection to a church locally. Two others are moving back to Manchester soon after some time away and the conversation around faith, discipleship and these spaces to connect as friends has reignited. What might Wholesome Mondays look like for them in this new graduate life stage?
We celebrate the stories of God at work amongst students and we rejoice to hear when these stories are just the start of lifelong journeys of faith.
Who did you share faith with whilst at uni? Have you prayed for them recently?
Who are you sharing your student life with at the moment? How can you make the most of this exciting time to be inviting them to explore faith with you not just now, but in the years to follow?