Week 14 - Are we ready?

Abby Lamb, from Kings Church, has been seeing such openness to Jesus amongst students in Manchester…

"We’ve been going out to a student accommodation area called Fallowfield, speaking to students on the street, giving out leaflets and tracts and students are just so responsive to what we’re sharing. I definitely believe there’s such openness - the harvest is plentiful and we just need to pray for more workers! 

One of our students has been praying for their muslim friend for the past two and a half years - the whole time they’ve been at uni together. Then in this final year her friend decided to try church. She didn’t even go to her friend’s church, but another in the city, and in six weeks of going along has given her life to Christ! She’s on an amazing journey - the encounters that she's had with God are so tangible and you can already see her growing in a prophetic gifting that she’s exercising within the space of just six weeks! 

I really believe that God is calling so many students who have never grown up in church. As he does, church is gonna look so different as those who have no idea what church is or what it’s like come and join in. I'm excited to see what the Lord continues to do and my prayer is that as the churches in Manchester we're ready to welcome people in. Is our community ready? If we're inviting people to discover Jesus and leave a life without him behind them, we know Jesus is worth it, but is the church community going to also be a great place to belong as they work out that new life? We need to continue to pray and figure out these hard questions as the church, asking how does our church welcome and cater to this new group of people that the Lord wants to bring in?"

Every week of the academic year, we are sharing a story of student mission. If you have a story to share, let us know.

Pippa Elmes

Head of Partnership

Pippa supports those in church based student ministry to do their job really well. She loves challenging churches to work with students and equipping them to pioneer new mission opportunities to reach students.                     

Partner with Pippa