A bit more...

We are a Jesus centred Church community that meets on Sundays in Shoreditch and throughout the week in Community Groups across London.

From day one we have hungered to be a church community that reflects the beauty and diversity of the city we are in. Whatever your age, race, social class, nationality etc we hope you can find true community at Liberty Church London. Through community we strengthen one another and build each other up so that we might be the hands and feet of Jesus wherever we go.

It isn't possible to be Jesus centred community if studying the bible (the inspired word of God) isn't a key part of church life. We would love you to check out our teaching on our youtube channel. All the links are below.

Find out more, please join us for Church in-person in Shoreditch at St Hilda's East Community Centre or online at libertychurchlondon.com

What do we do for students?

We want to be a church for London, not just in London and we want you to be a student for your Uni, not just in your Uni. When you "Follow Jesus" and "Thrive In Community", then you will inevitably "Make a Difference".

As well as Sunday services we have term time Community Groups that gather throughout the week across the city.

When & Where

St Hilda's East Community Centre, Shoreditch
E2 7EY

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We gather at St Hilda's East Community Centre, Shoreditch. Come join us in our lounge that opens at 10:30 for coffee fantastic coffee from All Press and a Brick Lane Beigel (on us). The service then starts at 11am.

London is one of the loneliest cities in the world with 55% of Londoners saying they are lonely (Time Out Magazine). Our mission is to help Londoners to Follow Jesus, Thrive in Community and to Make a Difference. Just as important as our Sunday gathering are our Community Groups that meet throughout the week across London.

Going to study near Liberty Church London?

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