'What if I don't live up to my duty as an evangelist?'

I remember being told I was an evangelist for the first time. 

I simultaneously felt as if I had been bestowed such an honour to share Jesus with those around me, as well as the weight on my shoulders and the question of ‘what if I don’t live up to my duty as an evangelist?’ 

I don’t think I’m the only one. Kez had always felt the call of an evangelist, yet experienced breakthrough into her calling during her 1st year of uni. After feeling a weight of responsibility on her shoulders to lead her friends to faith, she found freedom one Easter after she realised one small but profound truth: responsibility does not mean someone’s salvation is all on your shoulders. 

Kez used her Easter break to spend more time with Jesus and realign her focus. It was in the secret place, the mornings spent reading her bible, her whispered prayers and her Kingdom visions that mission turned from duty to calling. Jesus’ inner workings translated to a more intentional focus on sharing faith with her friends, and it was here that true joy came. 

Since then, Kez has seen a huge difference, not only in her own attitude to sharing her faith, but in the fruits of her effort all around her. Her eyes were opened to see things from a Kingdom perspective where she joined in on the work God was already doing in Nottingham. 

She has seen churches standing in unity as one body. 

She has seen breakouts of prayer meetings. 

She has seen an increase in faith conversations with her friends. 

It’s not that her efforts in prayer earned the fruits she is seeing now, but rather that through deeper relationship with her Father, her heart and her prayers were aligned with His. It was when she took delight in spending time with her Dad, that her heart towards seeing His Kingdom come was changed. 

‘Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.’ - Psalm 37:4


If you’re in the same boat, here are Kez’ top tips for sharing Jesus at uni:

1. Prayer

Unsurprisingly, Kez values prayer as the starting block of any day. 

Before you go on a night out? Pray. Pray that you’d get a chance to represent Jesus. 

Before you meet your struggling friend for coffee? Pray. Pray that the Holy Spirit would give you kind, compassionate words that lead back to Him. 

Before you go to a study group? Pray. Pray that you’d bring peace because you know who your Father is. 

‘I prayed once before a house party that God would provide opportunities to chat about Jesus that night. We ended up going out to a club afterwards and on the tram I got talking to a girl from a Catholic background who felt rejected by the church. I don’t think I did much but was able to be a representative of Jesus to her. That night may have been only a small part of her journey but I'm learning that that’s ok because I can trust that God has got her and he’s the saviour not me.’


2. Name-drop Jesus

Most of the time it doesn’t take a whole lot of preaching and theology lessons. It’s simply dropping in that you’re a Christian, and letting your actions do the talking. 

If you’re starting uni in September, tell your flat mates you’re trying to find a new church. While you’re at it, why don’t you invite them to the church search with you? Josie did exactly this. You can check out her #TryChurch story here. 


3. Expand your responses

If someone asks you a faith question, don’t take the quick and easy answer. If someone asks you ‘why do you seem so chilled during exams?’ tell them the real reason. Like Peter says, ‘always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.’ Simple. You never know where the conversation could go. 

Why not spend some time this summer aligning your heart with God’s? 

Taking time to be still, to sit and listen to God’s heart for your uni puts you in the best position to be on the frontline. 

Better yet, why not gather with others doing the same? You’re invited to join us at Firebrands, a conference where we get ready, hear God and celebrate His movement amongst students in the UK and Europe. 

Could there be a better way to prepare for your next year at uni?

Victoria Seithel

Communications Developer

Viki loves raising up new leaders and is committed to sharing the hope-filled story of student mission with the churches she serves.

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