
To see that we do not exist as independent individuals but that we are already living in community with others. Our attitudes and actions affect others. Our community needs to be growing and outwardly-focused as it reaches out to the lost.

Small groups reflect the lifestyle of Jesus and we model ourselves on the perfect community - the Trinity. These next meetings help us understand what it means to live as Christians together, moving away from an individualistic mindset to one that looks out for and cares for one another.


To write out the characteristics of a small group as described below in the word section.


What is the greatest compliment you have ever received? Why were you impacted so much by it in particular [when compared to other compliments]?



Philippians 2:5 - 11.

Have one person read it aloud to the group. The group keeps their eyes closed and as the person reads the scripture slowly, everyone meditates on the verses.

You may wish to read it 2 or 3 times. There is no need to rush. Invite Jesus into the meeting. Guide people to be open to encountering God through this meditation even if it is not what they are used to doing.

End the meditation. Ask people what God has spoken to them about. Share this with the group. It would be good to thank everyone for trying what may be a different style of worship and to reaffirm that worship is not only a lifestyle but also a choice. We can choose to worship God in many different ways.



Acts 2:41 - 47

As the leader, go through this passage highlighting what it tells us about community. Ask at some point, what is community and what are the benefits of it?


Below are some characteristics of a small group. You will need to write these on 6 pieces of paper [one characteristic per sheet] and give them out to individuals/pairs depending on the number in the group. Go through and discuss each one, looking at what they mean and how in our small group we can make sure we take on these characteristics:

  • Discipleship
  • Servanthood
  • Prayer
  • Vulnerability
  • Commitment
  • Care

As you look at these, steer the discussion so that it is relevant to the group’s current situation. This may be a good time to move the group forward in deeper community by allowing the members themselves to encourage one another to be more honest – this is always far more effective than the leader ‘telling’ people to be honest and grow into community! As always, values need to be worked out with practical action. Don’t let the discussions become theoretical, abstract or conceptual.


As we develop community in our group, we are extending that community to our friends outside. One of the things that would be great to see happening in the group is that we are getting to know one another’s friends and building a good relational network. How far is this happening in your group? What can you do this week to meet and get to know others? How can the group be open to new folk coming in? What are the signs of a community which is outwardly-focused and growing?