Truth 5. Everything is better when students are discipled in the local church.

Last summer Fusion conducted a survey on how Christian students spend their time. We expected a moderate response but in the end we had 1400 completed surveys. 

One of the most revealing discoveries was the impact of local church discipleship. Students who are being discipled in the local church are:

  1. twice as likely to be known as a Christian by their mates.

  2. twice as easy to share Jesus with their mates.

  3. a third more likely to mix Christian and non-Christian friendships.

  4. more likely to invite a non-Christian friend to church.

  5. twice as likely to pray with someone who doesn’t know Jesus.

  6. 15% more likely to read the bible regularly.

It is clear to see the impact and it is all good. So let’s invest time in discipling our students if we want to see them praying more, reading the bible more and sharing their faith more. 

Are there opportunities in your church for students to find mentors or people who could disciple them? Do you encourage this to happen? Could you interview someone on Sunday who mentors students or some students who disciple others? 

Read the 5 awkward truths for church leaders

Truth 1 - You don't invest enough in reaching students

Truth 2 - You think students are too young for "proper" leadership

Truth 3 - You are only interested in Christian students, not all students

Truth 4. Your students need to be in and leading non-Christian societies

Truth 5. Everything is better when students are discipled in the local church

These blogs are generalisations. The truths I have stated might not be true in your church. My objective is to provoke and inspire rather than accuse or discourage. Apologies if I haven’t got that balance right.

Luke Smith

National Team Leader (England & Wales)

Luke has worked with students in church for 20 years. He loves helping churches figure out how to reach students. He leads the Fusion team to keep them sharp and focused as they serve the local church.

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